Friday, May 8, 2020

Should I hire a professional resume writer - Sterling Career Concepts

Should I hire a professional resume writer Should I hire a professional resume writer? Resume writing is a value-added professional service. While in a conversation recently, I came up with a great analogy. If you’re reading this blog or visiting my site because you are considering whether or not to hire a professional resume writer, then the following is something to consider. Do you hire a tax professional to prepare your tax return? I do, but you don’t have to. Some people will download the forms and complete them on their own. Others will buy a software program to walk them through it. Then there are those who see the efficiency and value of tapping into the tax professional’s knowledge and skill to complete the forms quickly and maximize their return.See the parallels to resume writing? Some people will write their own. Others will use a Microsoft Word template to create the document (oy â€" my stomach hurts just thinking about it), and then there are those who see the value in hiring a professional to create the document that becomes the cornerstone of thei r job search process. They may recognize that writing is not their strong point. They may need help identifying their own strengths and accomplishments, or quite frankly, they may liken writingtheir resume to washing the windows (or preparing their taxes) and know theyre better offoutsourcing the project. Those of you who hire a tax professional to maximize your return (or minimize whatyouowe) can relate to the concept of hiring a professional resume writer to maximize the results of your job search. If the goal of a resume is to secure job interviews, then taking advantage of a writer’s knowledge of industry trends and best practices is one way to shorten the length of your job search. (Interview coaching is another, but that’s a topic I’ll save for another day.) I will be the first to admit that pairing with a writer is not the right choice for everyone, but when you think of writing your own resume, do you feel stressed, confused or nervous about what to highlight, how to structure or format the document, and how to set yourself apart from your peers? If so, then working with a professional will put your mind at ease, be a more efficient use of your time, and maximize your benefit. My next post will help you avoid the unfortunate scams that exist within the resume writing space. Related Post:How much will my professionally written resume save me? (March 14, 2009)

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